All Dry Services of Greater Nashville



Flooding and Water Damage Restoration

Unless you have a waterfall running in your living room or business lobby, the sound of running water can mean something has gone wrong. Flooding on your property can be a really expensive problem and become a physical hazard to yourself and others. Water damage also creates a breeding ground for mold growth, which brings a cavalcade of issues all its own. When storms strike or your property gets hit with a plumbing disaster, call the restoration experts of All Dry Services of Greater Nashville for all your storm and flooding damage needs.

Steps to Fixing Water Damage in Your Home or Business

Leak Detection

The first thing to manage regarding water damage is to find the source. By finding the source of the leak first, we can ensure less future damage and successful water extraction.

Water Extraction

The next step is water extraction. Removing the water from your home or business quickly will prevent further damage and reduces the likelihood of mold growth. We do this as quickly and efficiently as possible to halt the damage and start repairing and revitalizing your property.

Drying & Dehumidification

It’s important to remove every ounce of water during the restoration process. Mold growth and further damage to your property can occur if your space isn’t fully dried and dehumidified. Our equipment is designed to properly dry and dehumidify your property to ensure that all additional moisture created by the flooding is removed. 

Cleaning & Disinfecting

Depending on where the source of the flooding occurred, harmful contaminants, germs, dirt, and other materials can expose you and your property to future issues. That’s why we make cleaning and disinfection one of our top priorities to ensure you are protected from chemicals, bacteria, sewage, and more.

Call 615-379-7575 today for a free estimate on our water damage services!

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